Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Easing into things.

Hi, everyone!

You know, it's probably easier to start over. I worked on a few ways to transition gracefully from my last post to here, and that just ain't happenin. If you stumbled upon this by chance, nice work! However, there's a pretty high chance that if you're reading this right now, you already know me well enough (either passively or actively) to know of the changes in my life since April 08. As it so happens, the biggest change is also the biggest catalyst for change in my life, namely:

I got married this year. Can I double-bold something? Triple-underline? It's like that.
Sarah and I started dating in April of 2007, got engaged June of 2008, and married on June 13th, 2009. The past year (two, actually) has been the craziest one of my entire freakin' life, hands down. Also, the busiest, funnest, challenging-est, and bestest. You think you know what you're getting yourself into, but then the day happens and it turns out that you had absolutely no idea just how much things are going to change. Do I 'feel married'? Yes and no. I don't know what I'd expected to happen... some huge sudden shift, maybe? I went into it sort of expecting the tectonic plates of my life to just smash together, totally rearranging the landscape. But that's not how big stuff works, apparently. "Give it a couple years," said one of my married-guy mentors recently.

I do know this, though: I married an absolutely incredible woman. I think about all the things I love in life, and how strongly some of those feelings go, and yet I discovered a new depth of love when Sarah and I found each other. It felt like that day in swimming class when you're introduced to the diving pool - the deep end - and they have the pole that goes down, down, down, all the way to the bottom. You've been down pretty deep before in the lap pool, so the first few feet aren't a surprise, but then you still haven't touched bottom, and you descend further, wondering how deep this could possibly go. It's like that; I had no idea how deep this love could really go. God had to have done this on purpose, creating marriage to just blow your mind. That's really what's happening here. Things are changing, at the surface level and in the depths. Not just in my relationship with Sarah, but how my entire life is structured. (Sometimes it doesn't feel like I have that much structure to be changed, in which case, all the better!)

That brings us to here, to this blog in particular. In this restructuring, in trying to make sense of these changes, I think God is revealing Himself to me. There are bigger truths that have been placed out there for us to find along the way, but the way we discover them is unique to each of us. My hope is to keep finding the connections between the two - how my story is connected to the bigger whole, and the stories of others. But, like this post is titled, I'm going to ease into things. Baby steps and the like. First goal: write more often than every 1-and-a-half years.

So, this is probably a good place to shift gears.
I know that it's really trendy, but I've got to say that summer is my favorite season. I've never declared as such by titling any Facebook albums with anything related to summer (SuMMaTiMe 09!), but it's the truth. Spring and fall have their merits, but nothing compares to the total difference in how I spend my time during summer vacation. Love it. Up next on the agenda: sleeping in tomorrow! I work during the week, so I'm up and gone by 6:30 on most weekdays, but tomorrow brings glorious sleep. Deal with that, sun.

1 comment:

Ginger Murray said...

You know how excited I am for you guys to enter into this, and to go even deeper still. Love you both.