Sunday, September 6, 2009

2:45 a.m. (nothing good is easy)

It is the false self that is so alluring, yet ultimately destructive. The false self is the one convincing us to go the safe route, to do or say what somebody else successful has done or said that served them well, in hopes that we will meet with the same success. Indeed, it is entirely possible we will have some luck in our strivings to become who we are not. It is a sham, simply bad advertising we offer to the world in hopes of validation.

In actuality, this pursuit of something temporary will ultimately drive us farther away from our ultimate goal. It may last a little while, but once we possess it, we find that this fake success has a very short half-life. This thing we look to for a boost, a 'leg up', does exactly the opposite. Hopefully we realize our futile strivings, abandon this persona, and set about in search for who it is we really are called to be. This is a process that will take much time, and much effort - indeed, it will demand everything of us - but when that crossing is completed, we then possess something of infinite value: self-knowledge.

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