Sunday, September 13, 2009

Melody and the nature of all things.

When you talk about melody, you might as well be talking about life itself, which may lead you to believe that I might be biting off more than I can chew. However, I'll attempt to actually take this someplace meaningful. At life's most basic level - DNA and the like - all we find are structures. Patterns of repeating code. Some are simple, some are elaborate and complex.

In the same way, this is how a song begins. You have twelve notes to pick from on a chromatic scale. Those notes combine in different intervals to form chords. Depending on the song, chords in the same key will be used to form a progression. This is the structure upon which a song is built. When you break down the chords into their individual parts, you'll find patterns of 'code' that repeat no matter what key the song is in. But when you have this structure, you have only gotten started.

Just as our genes and DNA don't actually make us alive, a song is nothing without its melody.

To be (legitimately) continued tomorrow.

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