Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Writing my own life

The characters we write are imbued with our own lives, and the lives of those around us. When I get the gumption to write a character that is very much like me in some ways, one of the things I'll make sure I include is that he's a huge baby when it comes to getting sick. Those who don't know me will read it and will be in awe of how true-to-life it feels, while those who know me will probably feel cheated, like it doesn't give the whole whiny experience on the page. I'd make sure he did lots of slouching from room to room.

Something I've learned this week is that it's really, really hard to write while in the throes of a monstrous head cold. I almost wish I had a fever, because then the accompanying weird dreams might give me something to write on. Wait, scratch that. No, that's the last thing I wish. Like exercising, drinking lots of water, or paying some sort of attention to my list of things to do, I know that writing's good for me, even when I'm sick. Here's to giving it a try tomorrow...

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