Monday, November 15, 2010

Awake, my soul.

Many times in life does one come to arrive at a T, that intersection that does not allow him or her to simply continue through on the same road that brought them there; a change in direction is required.

I was reminded tonight of several specific events in life that presented the dilemma of arriving at a T. Wherever I was at that point in time, the road would take me no further unless I changed course.

Many of these events revolved around relationships with others:

Do I see this friendship aligning with who I want to become?

Do I break up with her, or take the relationship to the next level?

Should I hold on and try to ride these changes in leadership out, believing that it could get better soon, or is this my cue to jump ship and head someplace else?

Others have been more about personal choice, but typically the common thread running through has been a call to either fully commit or move on to something else. If I'm going to give my music a real shot, then I need to be 100% sold on it - otherwise it's just going to be frustrating. See also: blogging, working out,... Stuff like that.

When I reflect on the times that I've been presented with a T, I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of the choices I've made. I'm disappointed at the times that I've chosen the quick way out instead of thinking long term, but the ones that haunt me are the times I've chosen the way of inaction - not making any solid decision, but letting things play out, knowing I will have only myself to blame for my current state.

When you don't choose, opportunities for growth just look like dead ends.

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